Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Summer Writing Cave

This past weekend was a holiday weekend here, and summer temperatures came with it. It was sunny and hot, the kind of day you want to be outside. And the kind of day that makes writing in the attic impossible after 9am.

This wasn't as big a problem for me in the past. I usually worked on new projects in the morning, and with my trusty laptop I could work on rewrites and promo anywhere. This year things are different.

I have a day job, which means my writing schedule has changed. I'm writing in the evenings now and there is no way I can do that in the attic. After noon. the temperature hovers between 85 and 90 degrees up there. This leaves me no choice but to find a new writing cave until the fall.

There are two possibilities, the family office or the backyard. (The latter I have just abandoned because it started to rain.)  Clearly there are pros and cons to both.

Family office pros: A door. A proper desk. Reasonable lighting. Cons: Clutter. Chair is broken so I feel like I'm sitting in a hole. Room comes with a mean, hissing bird.

Back yard pros: Lovely view. Fresh air. Comfortable chairs. Cons. Weather dependent. No door to cut back on interruptions. A glare on the computer screen so I have to squint even in the shade.

I'll likely go back and forth between the two. Which one would you pick?


  1. That is a delima, Dawn. But what a good one, huh? Because at least you're writing! LOL. I love the bird and would probably team up him and pen a pirate tale!
    It's definitley been too hot to be upstairs. I would opt. for the outdoors under that shade. Sometimes I just take a hike and 'talk' my writing outloud. Probably why I don't get many pages. : )
    Good luck!

  2. I was wondering what happened to you! I kept clicking on your old link and couldn't find your blog. Lucky for me, you're part of that Lovestruck Giveaway Hop with another pal o'mine so I clicked over from her blog. Miss ya and glad to see you're all right, chickie!

  3. Tere, I love working outside, but I just get more done in the attic. Loving the rain that's keeping things cool today so I can do just that.

    Gina, glad you found me!
